Weltwoche Deutschland

by Weltwoche Verlags AG

News & Magazines


We have developed an app version for Germany for you. It contains comments, analysis, stories, backgrounds specially created with a focus on Germany.Permanent updates. The Weltwoche is becoming an actual news portal that covers the relevant current events and classifies them with comments. This means that the site is updated several times a day with new content.Hi-performance design. Text illustrations are central to the new Weltwoche. Digital reader research has shown that the correctly chosen lead image in combination with a concisely formulated headline makes it much easier for many readers to get started with a text. We have made this knowledge our own and changed the layout and text production accordingly. The result is an information design that, in its reduction and clarity, is more reminiscent of well-known social media platforms than conventional web newspaper design. It was also developed specifically for mobile.Times couldnt be better. Diversity is demanded everywhere. With its app, Weltwoche is at the forefront and celebrates the diversity of opinions.And now: get on board, fly with us!